Searching Total Sales Through Reach

If you would like a visual display of Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) through Reach, this can be found in two different ways.

From the Reach Admin

  1. Open the Dashboard page from the left hand navigation menu.
  2. Use the intuitive search and display functionality to find the requested data.

Note: This dashboard cannot be exported. Follow the next steps to download a CSV report. More information regarding the Dashboard can be found here.

From the Reach Admin

  1. Open the Search page from the left hand navigation menu.
  2. The dropdown menu will default to Transaction Search.
  3. Enter the date range of your search in the From Start Of and To End Of fields.
  4. Click the Go button to load search results.
  5. Click the Export button on the right hand side to generate a CSV export.

Note: This export includes values for cancelled transactions and does not include refunds. If looking for a true amount you’ll want to review your monthly settlement statement.